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World Health Organization
Call for expressions of interest:
Expert(s) to conduct systematic literature reviews of the evidence on tuberculosis and diabetes
20 July 2022, Geneva | The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Programme in collaboration with the Noncommunicable Diseases Department has initiated a process to review the evidence on TB and diabetes and the related interventions to address the joint burden of TB and diabetes.
In 2011, WHO and the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease published the Collaborative framework for care and control of tuberculosis and diabetes, which contains recommendations on the collaborative management of TB and diabetes. This framework has helped to kick-start collaborative action on TB and diabetes but there are still challenges in implementation and scale-up. WHO will therefore be developing an operational handbook to support countries in the implementation of current WHO recommendations and collaborative activities on TB and diabetes.
To inform the operational handbook, WHO is seeking expressions of interest from academic institutions or other entities with relevant expertise and experience in systematic reviews, synthesis and quality assessment of the available data (following the GRADE framework and in line with Handbook on guideline development, 2nd edition), summarize the results, and write a descriptive report detailing the methods and findings of the reviews. The candidate entity should be able to work independently as well as interact regularly and collaboratively with the WHO Global TB Programme team and NCD Department as well as other technical experts as required. Please review the terms of reference for details of the work and requirements.
Please submit to the WHO Global TB Programme an expression of interest letter specifying details on the relevant capacity and experience of the candidates in similar type of work on systematic reviews and meta-analyses, together with the resumes of persons to be involved.
Please send your submissions to the WHO Global TB Programme at and by close of business on 11th August 2022. The expressions of interest received will go through a review process and the selected candidates will be notified on completion of the review process. The selected candidates will be required to develop a proposal for the evidence summary to be conducted along with details of a budget estimate to be submitted to the WHO Global TB Programme.