Addressing the Challenges: Practical I.D. Solutions in Pediatrics

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines, a subspecialty organization of the Philippine Pediatric Society, traditionally holds its Annual Convention during the third week of February.  Committed to being the  leaders who provide relevant and timely education in the field of infectious diseases, the Organizing Committee  under the leadership of Dr Edna Mallorca , Dr Mary Antonette  Madrid and  Dr Eva Dizon as Scientific Chair , together with the Board of Trustees had to make the ultimate decision to push through with the event despite growing concerns of Covid 19 . As of February 20, there were still no reported cases of local transmission and information on the SARS -CoV-2 was sparse.   On hindsight, knowing now the far-reaching complications of the virus, we were extremely fortunate to have accomplished our objective.

Dr Rabindra R. Abeyasinghe delivers the Keynote Address during the Opening Ceremonies
Dr. Anna Ong-Lim , PIDSP President delivers her talk on Polio during the convention

The Philippines was reeling from the return of measles and polio and the Keynote Address given by  Dr Rabindra R. Abeyasinghe , our WHO representative, gave a clear picture of  the regional and global perspective with regard to vaccine preventable diseases.  Dr Anna Ong-Lim, President of PIDSP, complemented his talk with emphasis on polio which figured prominently amongst the infectious disease highlights of the past year.

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines held their Annual Convention at the Crowne Plaza Manila last February 19- 20, 2020.



The rest of the programme showcased updates on the approach to the diagnosis and management of Multiple Drug Resistant Organisms , , Multiple Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, HIV,  Diarrhea, Prolonged Fever and  Sexually Transmitted Infections in Neonates and Dengue. Current concerns on Antimicrobial stewardship, AFP surveillance and Infection control were likewise discussed. Not to be missed, being strong advocates, were topics on immunization amongst special groups, vaccine scheduling and safety.

Preparing for every annual convention is challenging but worth the effort. Based on the substantial number of attendees who participate annually, and the positive and encouraging feedback from the medical community, the Society stays inspired and committed in leading the fight against childhood infectious diseases.


About the Contributor

Dr. Fatima Gimenez is the Vice President of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines ( 2020- 2022 ) . She is also the Chair of the Committee on Immunization of the Philippine Pediatric Society .

2020 Vision: New Horizons in Newborn Medicine

The Philippine Society of Newborn Medicine held its 14th Annual Meeting and 5th International Conference on January 20-21, 2020 in Panglao Bohol, the friendly heart of the Visayas.  The PSNbM worked hand in hand with the Philippine Pediatric Society Central Visayas Chapter and the Bohol Child Health Care Advocates to especially prepare this conference with the theme “2020 Vision: New Horizons in Newborn Medicine” as part of our dedication to holistic perinatal and neonatal care. 


Philippine Society of Newborn Medicine goes to Bohol 2020
Dr. Wilfredo Santos and Dr. Resti Ma. Bautista with PPS President , Dr. Salvacion Gatchalian

The hard-working 2020 Organizing Committee was led by PSNbM President and Honorary Covention Chair Dr. Belen Amparo E. Velasco, together with Overall Convention Co-Chairs Dr. Resti Ma. M. Bautista and Dr. Mutya Kismet T. Macuno.  The conference provided a focused discussion on emerging issues in neonatology, a critical review of standards of care in neonatal and perinatal medicine, and an overview of novel strategies for improving newborn outcomes.


Seven international speakers contributed their expertise to the various plenaries and symposia including Professor Enrique M. Ostrea, Jr. (Wayne State University), Dr. Jacob Aranda, PhD (State University of New York Downstate Medical Center), Dr. Winston Manimtim (Children’s Mercy Hospital), Dr. Rowena Cayabyab (University of Southern California),Dr. Neil Joseph Alviedo (University of Florida), Dr. Vivien L. Yap (Weill Cornell Medical College) and Dr. James McTavish, FMVD (University of Cambridge).  A host of distinguished local speakers also graced the conference.  These included leaders of professional societies such as Ms. Corazon L. Paras, RM, BCHS (President, IMAP), Ms. Balbina M. Borneo, RM, RN, MAN (MCNAP President), Dr. Monina Cristina S. Cabral (PPS Central Visayas Chapter President), our dearly beloved late PPS President Dr. Salvacion R. Gatchalian.

The convention was a great success despite being sandwiched between two disasters: the eruption of Taal Volcano, which brought about major disruptions in international and local travel, and the first wave of news of the mysterious epidemic brewing in mainland China.  We are thankful for the chance to gather as a vibrant community of advocates for the health of newborns. And we hope to stand together once again someday on the scenic shores of beautiful Panglao Island.


About the Contributor 

Resti Ma. M. Bautista, MD, FPPS , FPSNbM is a Neonatologist . He was the Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee of this Convention . Dr. Bautista is also a Board Member of the Perinatal Association of the Philippines.

COVID Resources


PPS – PIDSP position statement for covid -19 vaccination among 5-11 year old children
(Version 4, 16 January 2022)
Version 5, 08 January 2022 (November 2, 2021)



Statement on Covid Vaccination for Children 12-17 y/o and Its Effect on the Cardiovascular System
(November 2, 2021)
Covid Vaccination of 12-17 years old belonging to the A3 Category
(October 15, 2021)
Pediatric Nephrology Society of the Philippines (PNSP) Guidelines on COVID 19-vaccination of Pediatric Kidney Patients
(October 14, 2021)
The State of the World’s Children 2021
(October 6, 2021)
PPS- PSDBP Statement on Covid-19 Vaccination in People with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
(June 15, 2021)
PPS-PIDSP Statement on COVID-19 Vaccines for Children
(June 7, 2021)
PPS PAPP Interim Guidelines in Pulmonary Care in Pediatric COVID-19 (3rd Edition)
(May 8, 2021)
PSAAI Position Statements on COVID-19 Vaccines & their Adverse Reactions (UPDATED)
(March 19, 2021)
Interim Guidelines on the Screening, Assessment and Clinical Management of Pediatric Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19)
(Version 4, February 6, 2021)
Position Statements of the Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology On COVID-19 Vaccines and their Adverse Reactions
(February 1, 2021)
Covid-19 Tabs in Pediatric Pulmonary Care


PPS – PIDSP Joint Advisory for Parents/ Adult Caregivers on the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection in Children for Settings Outside the Home
(December 2, 2020)
Interim Guidelines on Pulmonary Care in Pediatric Covid-19
(September 30, 2020, Edition)
Care of Suspect/ Confirmed Covid-19 Newborns Interim Guidelines
(Version 4.0, September 25, 2020)
A Review of Immunomodulators as Therapeutic Interventions for Moderate to Severe Covid-19 Infections
(Version 3.0, September 20, 2020)
PPS/PIDSP revised algorithm to the current COVID guidelines
(31 August 2020)
Interim Guidelines on The Screening Assessment and Clinical Management of Pediatric Patients with
Suspected or Confirmed Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
(Version 3, 20 August 2020)
Rapid Advice on Pulmonary Care in Pediatric COVID-19 (19 June 2020)
A Review of Immunomodulators as Therapeutic Interventions for Moderate to Severe Covid-19 Infections Ver 2.0
(10 May 2020)
PPS/ PIDSP Joint Statement on Resumption of Immunization Services During COVID-19 Pandemic
(27 May 2020)
Interim Guidelines on Resumption of Out-Patient Pediatric Clinics Post-Enhanced Community Quarantine During COVID Pandemic
(11 May 2020)
Clinical Approach to the Management of Covid-19 in Pregnancy and the Newborn
(07 May 2020)
Guidelines and Policies on Covid 19 for Clinicians
Joint Statement on the use of Face Shield for Newborns during the SARS-COVID-2 Pandemic
(22 April 2020)
A Review of Immunomodulators as Therapeutic Interventions for Moderate to Severe Covid-19 Infections
(April 20, 2020)
Statement on the use of Face Shield for Newborns during the SARS-COVID-2 Pandemic
(20 April 2020)
Interim Guidelines on The Screening, Assessment and Clinical Management of Pediatric Patients
with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Version 2
(12 April 2020)
Supporting Children and Teens During the COVID 19 Pandemic
Revised Guidelines For Health Care Professionals on The Treatment of Acute Gastroenteritis with No Signs of Dehydration
(19 June 2020)
Algorithm for DYADS with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Infection
(03 April 2020)
(01 April 2020)
Interim Guidelines on The Screening, Assessment And Clinical Management of Pediatric Patients With Suspected or
Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
(30 March 2020)
(29 March 2020)
Care of Newborns of Suspected Confirmed Covid19 Mothers
(27 March 2020)
Approach to The Management of Covid-19 In Pregnancy and The Newborn
(25 March 2020)
Information on COVID-19 for Clinicians: Additional Guidelines for Outpatient Pediatric Care in the Philippine Setting
from the Philippine Pediatric Society and the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines
(10 March 2020)

Finding Christ in Christmas

Christmas time.

Through the years we have defined and described this season so many ways. We have created this time of the year as a joyous and festive celebration. That is of course true, for there is no greater joy than the day the Savior was born. It is of course a season to celebrate because the Salvation of man and its story will now come into fruition.

But just like how different individuals are, Christmas is also observed in the hearts of men differently. Some enjoy Christmas for the avalanche of gifts. Some are just thankful for being alive. Some muse because of the variety of food to eat. Some just say a prayer to continue to survive. But there is a unifying factor in why Christmas is special – it is the coming of the child who will make every man equal in the story of salvation.

No matter what sweeps our hearts in this season of Christ’s birth, we have a lot to be thankful for.

The PPS has a lot to be thankful for. 

We remain a resilient Society. A group of people called upon to help deliver healthcare services to the young and tasked to preserve a future they all deserve. 

We remain a strong Society. A group of professionals who when called to action go beyond their duties and take the extra mile to do their best in everything they have put their minds into.

We remain a courageous Society. A group of determined professionals who take principles positions on issues that require both conviction and competence.

We remain a determined Society. A group of specialized doctors who weathered the resurgence of diseases in outbreak proportions – measles, dengue and now polio. We rally behind the government in its earnest efforts to curb the spread of these diseases protecting every child to the best of our abilities.

Christmas is a time of hope. A time to look beyond what is here. A time to aspire for a better future.

Christmas is a time of love. A time to share what we have been blessed. A time to wish others the blessings they deserve.

Christmas is a time of peace. A time to pray for each other’s solace. A time to bring happiness to every single man we can.

Some find joy in Christmas because it reminds them of their youths. Some shed tears during Christmas because it witnessed the loss of people and properties they once cared for. Some find exuberance during Christmas because the sight, the sound and the smell of the cool breeze brings them unspeakable happiness. Some find sadness in Christmas because of the indifference and confusion the occasion brings. 

No matter what makes us happy or sad in this season of Nativity, we have a lot to look forward to.

The PPS has a lot to look forward to.

We remain a formidable Society. A group of experts who know what they are doing and who are willing to teach others how to do it well.

We remain a vibrant Society. A group of colorful individuals coming from all spectrum of the human form, bearing individuality that spells diversity and welcoming everyone with an inclusivity that knows no distinction.

We remain a vigilant Society. A group of dedicated physicians who look after each other, who put the interest of the Filipino child above self and who respects the ideals for which the PPS was envisioned and established.

And as we join our families a few days from now to be one in the celebration of Christmas, let us not forget to find Christ in this season because He is the reason and He is the season itself.

It is only in finding Christ in the letters of the word Christmas can living be appreciated as a precious gift, that prayers answered or not are heard,  that tears of loss have the promise of joy and that sadness will one day be rewarded with genuine happiness.

Merry Christmas to all of you.





Delivered by the PPS President , Salvacion R. Gatchalian , MD , during the Annual Christmas Party of the Philippine Pediatric Society December 11, 2019 at Novotel Manila Araneta City.

70th Platinum Anniversary

National Children’s Book Day

July 18, 2017

As part of the Philippine Pediatric Society’s 70th Platinum Anniversary, PPS will celebrate National Children’s Book Day on July 18 in cooperation with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philippines (RMHC). Together with the Department of Education City of Makati and Department of Education Cordillera Administrative Region and Adarna Publishing House, this nationwide campaign will be launched to champion literacy empowerment for children with exceptional needs and their families. By partnering with three powerhouse Filipinoinstitutions for children, PPS will achieve its biggest Read to Learn program yet! The celebration will happen in simultaneous events in two major cities across the Philippines.

With the theme “Keep Families Close”, RMHC and Adarna will provide free books to encourage families to read together and widen their horizons through the stories. Literature teaches empathy by making the reader place themselves in the shoes of different characters. Stories can also inspire these families to continue struggling by finding characters that endure similar conflict. Lastly, books provide families with an avenue to bond by talking about the characters and how they feel about them.

On the day itself, families will be given a memorable experience in the cities of Makati and Baguio. This event will have storytelling volunteers, a photo booth and games for children selected by the Department of Education. This moment will enable families to meet each other and experience a sense of community among children with exceptional needs.

In Makati City, the activity will be at Nemesio Yabut Elementary School, Guadalupe Nuevo where we will be joined by children with exceptional needs from NemesioYabut Elementary School, Pembo Elementary School, Hen. Pio del Pilar Elementary School, Francisco Benitez Elementary School, and Palanan Elementary School.

In Baguio City, A Child’s DREAM Foundation will provide the venue where a big celebration with CISV Baguio and their international volunteers from the Step Up Program will make it a day that the chosen families will never forget.

Moreover, the PPS will extend its celebration of National Children’s Book Day by involving its 5,800 doctors in 12 chapters across the country. A letter will be sent to PPS members to sponsor Ronald McDonald Read to Learn Library Kits for their local hospital’s pediatric wards and schools. Each kit will provide the beneficiaries with 34 big books for children to develop the love for reading.

With these activities for literacy, we shall continue to enrich the lives of Filipino children and their families through the joy of reading together! Happy National Children’s Book Day!

Eastern Visayas and DOH





The Eastern Visayas Chapter , headed by Dr. La Rhaine G. Viernes , had a meeting last June 14, 2017  with the Department of Health regarding the National Immunization Program. A partnership was forged to attain 95% immunization coverage for  Region 8. This meeting was attended by the DOH Regional Director , Dr. Minerva  Molon and her staff.

Central Luzon Chapter Visit


The Board of Trustees visited the Central Luzon Chapter last June 4, 2017 . The Chapter President is Dr. Nerissa Buenaventura. Together with them is Dr. Leticia Cordero Yap, the Founding  Chapter President.

PPS Tobacco Control Champions

PPS TOBACCO CONTROL CHAMPIONS : The Future of Tobacco Control Is In Our Hands

RH Gonzalez,MD,FPPS

The PPS Tobacco Control Advocacy group is an answer to the invitation of the American Academy of Pediatrics of reactivating their ties with the Filipino pediatricians through the Philippine Pediatric  Society .

This group was formed barely a month prior to the annual convention with Dr. Rizalina H. Gonzalez, past president of the PPS -Southern Tagalog Chapter as the Chair of this advocacy group and co-chaired by Dr. Elsie B. Locson, Chair of the Department of Pediatrics of Fe del Mundo Medical Center. Both are new pediatric environmental health specialists .

A call to form a collaborative advocacy group was sent  to Philippine Ambulatory Pediatrics Association ( PAPA ) (the initiator of this tobacco control advocacy with AAP in 2007 ), Philippine Academy of Pediatric Pulmonologists ( PAPP) , Philippine Society of Adolescent Medicine Specialists ( PSAMS), Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology ( PSAAI) and all PPS Chapter Presidents to meet on April 1,2017 for a pre-convention workshop on Tobacco Control . Fifty pediatricians from the above groups came to listen and participate in this PPS Pre-Convention on Tobacco Control Advocacy whose main objective is to create programs towards a Smoke Free Philippines for the Filipino kids.

Dr. Riz Gonzales
Dr. Florianne Felisa Valdes

Dr. Riz Gonzalez gave the lecture on ” Smoking is a Pediatric Problem ” emphasizing on the critical points in a child’s life where tobacco smoke creates an impact to the future of the child’s health from preconception, early childhood, adolescent and young adults and the upcoming fad on  electronic nicotine devices , its dangers and ill effects among the adolescents.

Dr. Florianne Feliza Valdes, a staunch advocate of Tobacco Control of the PAPA gave her thoughts on “The Current Tobacco Situation in the Philippines : Its Impact to the Filipino Children” . She enlightened the group on the current statistics from the GYTS data  on Tobacco usage among Filipino Children and what has been done and current projects of PAPA and that of our own Department of Health .

” What have we done as Pediatricians in Tobacco Control?” 

PAPP through its Committee on Anti-Smoking led by Dr.Corry Avanceña reported on their projects and lay fora in the hospitals and communities . Dr. Liza Santos , PAPA President presented their successful  Tobacco Cessation Programs done by their group since 2007 . Dr. Arlene Sandejas, of PSAAI ‘s Committee on Environment and Pollution reported their ongoing projects and comics for the lay in relation to their Anti-Smoking Campaign. PSAMS Dr. Ester Iligan presented their insights on the upcoming trend of vaping among the adolescents. PPS Davao Dr.Dennis James Absin and PPS Western Visayas Dr.Lui Kanapi boasts on how their city has become a Smoke Free City DOH Red Orchid Awardee . Likewise other PPS Chapters and NCR group reported their different tobacco control related projects to the different communities . 

Dr. Elsie Locson

And to end the preconvention was Dr. Elsie Locson’s ” The future of Tobacco Control is in our hands” emphasizing on the importance of environmental health history using the ” green page” for every patient’s chart and the levels and examples of advocacy where we can have tobacco control projects involving the children.

Dr Alexander Tuazon, PPS President

Our PPS President, Dr.Alex Tuazon closed the pre-convention with a challenge to this  collaborative PPS Tobacco Control Advocacy  Group a.k.a. PPS Tobacco Control Champions to continue and be productive in coming up with projects with measurable outcomes. Such a challenging task ahead for this group .

This June 1, 2017 , the American Academy of Pediatrics will conduct a half day workshop on Tobacco Child Health Champions : Addressing Tobacco and Second Hand Smoke in Children” for this group.  This will be followed in the afternoon  by a stakeholders meeting for this renewed commitment on Tobacco Control for Children . PPS , PAPA, PAPP, PSAMS, PSAAI, WHO, DOH , PMA and Department of Educationkey persons shall convene on what can we do for the benefit of the Filipino Children within a time plan .

As a jumpstart activity of our PPS Tobacco Control Champions is the  Nationwide Awareness Campaign on “The Dangers of Tobacco , Second Hand Smoke and Electronic Nicotine Devices in Children ” on July 19 ,2017 thru selected SM Malls all over the country in cooperation with the Department of Education . Lay fora, Mini-Quiz bee and Slogan Making Contest for the Grade 7-9 students of both public and private schools shall be held that afternoon .

This environmental threat and burden of Tobacco and Second hand smoke has long been there and its about time PPS lead this worthy undertaking ALL FOR THE FILIPINO CHILD .

The PPS Tobacco Champions