Philippine Pediatric Society, Inc.
A Specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA)
Member, International Pediatric Association (IPA)
Member, Asia Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA)
Member, ASEAN Pediatric Federation
Novena Prayer for Dr. Salvacion R. Gatchalian
Novena Prayer for Our Dearly Departed
LEADER: Lord, help us to see death for what it really is / the end of poverty and the beginning of riches / the end of frustration and the beginning of fulfillment / the end of fear and the beginning of tranquility / the end of pain and the beginning of joy / the end of weakness and the beginning of strength. Let no grief overwhelm us / nor a sense of loss embitter us / but out of our sadness let there arise a new joy / for so much was given to us.
Eternal rest grant unto SALVACION, O Lord.
RESPONSE: And let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: O gracious Spirit of Peace / come live within our experience and hurt / within our sorrow and isolation / within the sadness of today and the loneliness of tomorrow. Come alive as the peace and trust / which nothing in life or death can kill. Cast out our fears and let not our hearts be troubled / knowing that this world remains our Father’s house.
Eternal rest grant unto SALVACION, O Lord.
RESPONSE: And let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: O most merciful God / we humbly beseech You to lead her into Paradise / her true country / for in as much as in You / she put her hope and trust / grant that she may come to the possession of eternal joy
Eternal rest grant unto SALVACION, O Lord.
RESPONSE: And let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: To you O Lord / we humbly commend SALVACION. In her mortal life / You loved her always with a great love. Now that she has been freed from all the evils of this earth / we bid Your mercy. Bring her into Your Paradise / where there is no more grief or mourning or sadness / but peace and joy with Your Son / and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.
Eternal rest grant unto SALVACION, O Lord
RESPONSE: And let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: O God / You overcame death through Your only begotten Son / and opened to us the gate of everlasting life. We beg you to welcome SALVACION / who walked the way of life of Your Son. Fulfill Your promise to her whom You have called to Yourself. Grant her Your glory and life / through our Lord Jesus Christ
Eternal rest grant unto SALVACION, O Lord
RESPONSE: And let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: We give thanks for all the good things which You gave to SALVACION in this mortal life / as a sign of Your goodness / and of the communion of saints in Christ our Lord. In Your great pity / accept our prayer / that the gates of Paradise may be opened to her. In our turn / may we be comforted by the words of faith / until we hasten to meet Christ / where we may all be forever with the Lord / and with our dear SALVACION.
Lord our God / Your days are without end / Your mercies too many to count. Cause us never to forget / that our life is short and uncertain. Let Your Holy Spirit lead us through this present journey / in holiness and justice / all the days of our life. And after we have served you on earth / in communion with Your Church / and in perfect charity with all men / may we joyfully come to Your Kingdom / through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto SALVACION, O Lord
RESPONSE: And let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: May she rest in peace