(02) 8926-6758 / (02) 8926-6759
ppsinc@pps.org.ph (02) 8926-6758 / (02) 8926-6759

PPS Northern Luzon Lecture

Hill Station Baguio Baguio

Entitled: When Mind and Gut Meet: The Role of Probiotics in Newborn and Childhood FGIDs PPS CPD Units: 1.5

PPS Central Luzon Scientific Module

Roberto's Restaurant Pampanga City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Entitled: Vax to Basics: Why Early Protection Matters in Protecting Your Child Against RVGE PPS CPD Units: 1.5

PPS Central Luzon Scientific Module

Roberto's Restaurant Pampanga City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Entitled "Vax to Basics: Why Early Protection Matters in Protecting Your Child Against RVGE" PPS CPD Units: 1.5