Philippine Pediatric Society, Inc.
A Specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA)
Member, International Pediatric Association (IPA)
Member, Asia Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA)
Member, ASEAN Pediatric Federation
List of Statisticians
The following statisticians have been contacted and are willing to assist in the statistical analysis of data for various research projects of residents/fellows/consultants in PPS accreditation hospitals
The magnitude of the work and the corresponding fees should be worked out between the trainee/consultant and the chosen statistician.
1. Catherine Kaice Romero, Associate Director at SLMC RBD HSOR unit
Cel# 0998 582 1549
Email: kaice.romero@gmail.com2. Mr. Roderick Napulan
Cel# 0999 883 7340
Email: ; napulan.r@gmail.com3. Ms. May Lebanan
Cel# 0932 856 7869
Email: ;