(02) 8926-6758 / (02) 8926-6759
ppsinc@pps.org.ph (02) 8926-6758 / (02) 8926-6759

PPS Central Visayas 17th Postgraduate Course

Cebu Mariotte Hotel Cardinal Rosales Avenue, Cebu City

PPS CPD UNITS: 18 Entitled: The Presidents Speak: An Amalgam of Pediatric Issues for more details, please download flyer

PPS Southern Tagalog Live CPD

PPS CPD UNITS: 1.5 Entitled: Executive Dysfunction in ADHD: Understanding How Kids with ADHD Become Impaired

PPS Eastern Visayas Scientific Lecture

4th Floor SB Hall DWH Tacloban City

PPS CPD UNITS: 3 Entitled: Childhood UTI: Current Recommendations in the Diagnosis and Management and Investigate EDEMA