(02) 8926-6758 / (02) 8926-6759
ppsinc@pps.org.ph (02) 8926-6758 / (02) 8926-6759

PPS Northern Luzon Lecture

Hill Station Baguio Baguio

Entitled "When Mind and Gut Meet: The Role of Probiotics in Newborn and Childhood FGIDs" PPS CPD Units: 1.5

PPS Eastern Visayas Scientific Lectures

Bay Park Hotel Calbayog City Calbayog City

Entitled "Better Health for Children with Beta Glucan Supplementation and the Lung "Kaya mo ba ito"" PPS CPD Units: 3.0

PPS Northern Luzon Scientific Forum

Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center Baguio

Entitled "OPLAN: A.S.A.P. RF-RHI Prevention and Control Awareness-Surveillance-Advocacy-Prevention" PPS CPD Units: 10.5