Philippine Heart Association Symposium
PPS CPD UNITS: 12 Entitled: OPLAN: A.S.A.P. RF/RHD Prevention and Control
Philippine Pediatric Society, Inc.
A Specialty Division of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA)
Member, International Pediatric Association (IPA)
Member, Asia Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA)
Member, ASEAN Pediatric Federation
PPS CPD UNITS: 12 Entitled: OPLAN: A.S.A.P. RF/RHD Prevention and Control
PPS CPD UNITS: 9 Entitled: Enhancing Skills of Pediatrician in Disaster Preparedness
PPS CPD UNITS: 9.5 Entitled: OPLAN: A.S.A.P. RF/RHD Prevention and Control
PPS CPD UNITS: 5.5 Entitled: #CONVO: When HEADSSS turn to SSHADESS: Workshop on Strength-based Communication Strategies
PPS CPD UNITS: 23 Entitled: Providing Comprehensive Care to Differently Abled Children and Children with Chronic Illness: The Role of the Primary Care Physicians
Entitled: ICU Care @ Its B.E.S.T. (Basics, Evidences, Strategies, Therapeutics) PPS CPD UNITS: 30.0
Theme: Translational Nephrology: Research Outcomes to Clinical Applicant PPS CPD UNITS: 31.5
Entitled: The Best Evidence Teaching-Learning Strategies PPS CPD UNITS: 12.5
Entitled: The Best Evidence Teaching-Learning Strategies PPS CPD UNITS: 12.5
Entitled: Integrated Community Health Care Advocacies PPS CPD UNITS: 6.0
Entitled: Linkages & Collaborations: Convergence Towards Comprehensive Cardiovascular Care PPS CPD UNITS: 18.0
Entitled: The Best Evidence Teaching-Learning Strategies PPS CPD UNITS: 12.5